Bee Happy Purse Charm


Creating jewelry has been a source of solace for me on my journey of overcoming disability. In 2021, I faced physical challenges after an assault, leading me into a deep depression. Crafting jewelry, a passion of mine, became a comforting escape. Your presence here, exploring my collection, feels like a divine blessing, and I am sincerely thankful. I also craft custom pieces with love and faith.

Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Bees hold several godly and spiritual meanings in various religious and spiritual traditions. Here are a few interpretations:

1. Hard Work and Diligence: Bees are known for their industry and diligence, symbolizing the importance of hard work and dedication in the pursuit of spiritual goals.

2. Community and Unity: Bees work together in harmony within a structured community, reflecting the value of unity and collaboration within religious communities and spiritual practices.

3. Wisdom and Divine Guidance: In some traditions, bees are seen as symbols of wisdom and divine guidance, signifying the importance of seeking spiritual insight and enlightenment.

4. Transformation and Rebirth: Bees' role in pollination and the creation of honey represents the cycle of transformation and renewal, illustrating spiritual growth and rebirth.

5. Sacred Geometry: Bees construct intricate hexagonal honeycombs, symbolizing sacred geometry and the divine order present in the natural world.

Teal Howlite and frosted dyed quartz carry symbolic meanings that align with spiritual and metaphysical beliefs:

Teal Howlite:

- Tranquility and Calm: Teal Howlite is associated with tranquility, inner peace, and emotional balance, making it a stone of calmness and serenity in spiritual practices.

- Communication and Expression: It is believed to promote effective communication and self-expression, aiding in conveying one's thoughts and emotions with clarity and composure.

- Healing and Harmony: Teal Howlite is often connected to healing energies, harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit, and fostering a sense of overall well-being.

Frosted Dyed Quartz:

- Purification and Clarity: Frosted dyed quartz represents purification and clarity, helping to clear the mind and spirit of negative energy while promoting mental clarity and focus.

- Positivity and Joy: It is associated with promoting positivity, joy, and optimism, uplifting the spirit and dispelling negative emotions to enhance overall well-being.

- Energy Amplification: Quartz is known for its amplifying properties, and the frosted variety is believed to enhance the vibrational energy of other stones, making it a powerful ally in spiritual practices.

These gemstones are often used in spiritual practices, meditation, and healing rituals to harness their respective energies and qualities for spiritual growth, emotional balance, and well-being.

"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" - Psalm 119:103

Exquisitely crafted, this artisanal Purse Charm is meticulously designed to elevate the aesthetic of your beloved handbag. Adorned with a captivating ensemble of beads, shimmering crystals, ethereal Frosted Dyed Quartz, and serene Teal Howlite, this Bee Purse Charm embodies elegance, tranquility, and the essence of natural beauty.

I have a deep and abiding love for bees, and this affection stems from numerous reasons. These remarkable creatures possess a singular and captivating uniqueness, boasting an astonishing array of diverse species that never fail to intrigue me. Among these remarkable beings, it is the honey bees that hold a special place in my heart. Their exquisite monarchy and the luscious sweetness of their honey evoke a sense of awe and admiration within me.

Furthermore, bees serve as a poignant reminder of the arrival of spring and the vibrancy of life itself. Their industriousness and vital role in pollination contribute to the flourishing of the natural world. It is no exaggeration to say that without the indispensable presence of bees, our very existence would be imperiled. This realization lends a poignant significance to their presence, and I cannot help but appreciate the profound impact they have on our lives. In essence, bees are not merely fascinating; they are essential to our survival.

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